
An invitation to explore gentle living & and embracing our authentic roles, so needed in these troubled times

This membership program is a growing space, responsive to the curiosity and practice of those who gather. We’d love to include you.

Creating rituals and ceremonies to honour major life changes, seasonal cycles and everyday experience

Nurturing our meditation and intuitive skills, exploring new techniques and sharing the sweet wisdom that flows

Supporting each other in deepening rest practice, embracing Deliberate Slowness and learning to listen to our bodies as the beautiful wise teachers they are

Exploring a practice of creative, multi-species, non-linear spirituality, bringing this consciousness into our relationships with ourselves, each other and the world

Welcoming grief practice as legitimate, needed and meaningful to living a whole life and to the healing — the death and rebirth — of our culture and our relationship with the planet

Keeping faith with troubled times in all of its upheaval, healing, loss, joy, difficulty, beauty, sorrow, wholeness and the unexpected magic ready to emerge

Join the Membership Program ($5CN/mth)
Be the first to receive the welcome package when its ready:
“Three Moons”, a visionary short story & “The Sea of Abundance” guided meditation