
Together, Between Worlds is a mostly-monthly newsletter for people going through a bad breakup with the modern world — who know in their bones that our society’s way of life is dying and are craving creative, gentle & kind, raucous & fabulous, spiritual, curious, radical, magical and collective imaginings of how to live through it while gathering and celebrating the vision(s) of what’s to come.

Specifically it perceives through a deliciously fractured lens of diverse bodies, understanding them to be the world-birthing, story-keeping, wisdom-sharing, kin-making tentacular holders of authenticity and reconciliation of right relationships with ourselves and all other beings including the planet. 

If you’d like to support my work and join our membership space Substack ($5/mth CAN) you can receive access to online seasonal celebrations & circles that center rest and wholeness, meditations and whatever magic emerges. — Just subscribe and choose your membership option.